That Would be Fun!

The day I’m writing this, I had the fantastically fun experience of being interviewed by Shana James, host of The Man Alive Podcast.

Aside from the fact that Shana is a skilled, genuine and warm host, we spent a good deal of our time focused on the Inner Child – one of my favorite topics. Not surprisingly, it’s difficult to discuss the Inner Child in any substantive way without him (in my case) showing up!

While I like to think I’ve got enough awareness not to hand the keys off to that much younger aspect of Self, feeling his playful presence and partnership as strongly as I did during that conversation with Shana was nothing short of delightful.

At the same time, I’m aware that there are many men who have lost touch with their Inner Child or, buying into a distorted illusion of manhood, intentionally voted that part of themselves off their own island.

Still other men, in unconscious attempts to heal wounds from their mothers, put their Inner Child into the driver’s seat of their intimate relationships, setting in motion cycles of unrequitable neediness and failed partnerships.

When we’re unconscious to our inner aspects, life can get very messy…

On the other hand, when we know, see, and choose to be in conscious relationship with (in this case) our own Inner Child, there’s a stunning world of experience and connection that remains open to us, regardless of our age, work, or relational status.

A big part of that world is play – and along with play comes learning, discovery and, of course fun.

Here’s the thing: When play and fun, which the Inner Child can access effortlessly, are repeatedly placed on the back-burner, we quickly lose track of the relief they provide. More importantly, we forget that they are powerful, integral components of growth and learning.

But wait, there’s more!

Play not only greases the wheels of learning, it also opens doors to connection and deepened intimacy.

Yup, we simply find it easier to connect with others when we’re enjoying ourselves.

Knowing all that, why on earth would anyone save that rich goodness for weekends and vacations? And what sense is there in forcing upon oneself rules about earning play time?

By the way, I’m not advocating being irresponsible.

Just the opposite! I’m suggesting we begin (now would be a very good time) consciously partnering with our Inner Child and reintegrating play where and whenever possible. After all, Conscious Adults get to be responsible for, and at choice about, how they create their world.

While it’s hard to say what might happen, I’m betting the adult world – the Conscious Adult world, that is – would quickly become a healthier, more creative place to be.

That would be fun!