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A Conversation with Rev. Sean Harvey: Staying in the Grays – Part 2

Rev. Sean Harvey's journey has taken him from truck stops (as the child of two truckers) to activism, from the testosterone-addled pressure-cooker of Wall Street to the corporate offices of a women's fashion company, from graduating from seminary to founding the Sympónia Institute for Global Compassionate Healing - a stunning retreat center in the lush hills of Asheville, North Carolina... The man has stories to tell and lessons to share!

In this, Part 2 or our conversation, Sean discusses in-depth his time at Eileen Fisher - and the rich lessons learned working within a corporation that places a high value on Feminine Leadership and wholeness - in which men made up just 17% of the workforce. We also look at the need for elevating compassion in our organizational and cultural systems and the role of acceptance and emotion as part of individual and collective evolution. Sean highlights the importance of looking in the mirror for self-compassion, self-forgiveness and self-love as an essential starting place for growth as leaders - and much, much more...


Find out more about Rev. Sean Harvey and his work at - and on Twitter at the_soulfuledge , on LinkedIn , or Instagram at the_soulfuledge - and have a look at The Compassionate Masculinity Project!