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A Conversation with Stephen Shedletzky: Triumphant Failure, Zayde and a Path Toward Why – Part 2

Stephen Shedletzky, Head of Brand Experience & Lead Igniter at Simon Sinek knows a thing or two about "Why." He also knows a few things about making the journey from stuttering to becoming a passionate, erudite speaker, podcaster, producer and determined chaser - and catcher - of dreams...

Part 2 of our conversation begins with Stephen's recollection: "I remember sitting in my cubicle..." As you may correctly imagine, that cubicle moment was the beginning of, well, a new beginning that led Shed - as his friends call him - down a path that led to Simon Sinek, where his next chapter began with a job answering fan emails and expanded from there. We look at the value of congruence between one's being and one's work, the importance of connecting to "why" and, speaking of why, why the road of parenthood runs squarely through - sorry to say - the inevitable land of messing up...


You can learn more about Stephen's work with Simon Sinek, watch videos of his talks and, of course, find him on LinkedIn!