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Jeff Jacobson: The Church, The Crash – and The Boy Who Couldn’t Fly Straight – Part 1

Jeff Jacobson is a beloved friend and colleague, a leader of leaders, a coach, an educator - and the author of "The Broom Closet Stories," a series of young adult fantasy novels.

He's a man with a deep and abiding love of linguistics and, of course, great storytelling! In this episode, Jeff reflects on finding comfort and safety in the rules of his Catholic school - while at the same time experiencing same-sex attraction. He walks us along his path of discovery through competitive swimming – leading to six years of journeys to and around Asia that, with surprisingly little irony, led to an indelible love of home and country. Jeff also reflects on the importance of cycles and rituals as life's markers...


Jeff is a man with a deep and abiding love of linguistics and, of course, great storytelling - and you can learn more about him on LinkedIn and Instagram and on his author's website, Jeff's books are available on