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Life as a Masterpiece with Alexander Inchbald – Act 2

After a brief monologue on responsibility, (mine…) Alexander Inchbald opens Act 2 with a reflection on… cake.  We explore the roles of ego and how it can serve as a tool or, when it insists on grabbing the wheel, how it gets in the way of creativity. 

Alexander touches on the pathways creative energy takes through the body and riffs on the role of the observer before inviting us to look at love as both gateway into – and foundation beneath – a new world in which people get to find, create, and live their masterpieces. 

Alexander gives us a brief tour of broad human meta-cycles, looking at where we’ve been, where we are, and where, as a creative species, we are heading. 

We wrap with some recommendations from Alexander for tapping into creativity, citing his own practices as inspired by Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way

Alexander Inchbald is on a mission to help a million pioneers, misfits and artists with wild ideas to live from (doing what they) love by creating their Masterpiece—a portal into a sustainable ecosystem. His work is based on his experiments painting in extreme locations all over the world and research into what cutting edge psychology, physiology, epigenetics, metaphysics, and wisdom traditions can teach us about creation.


Alexander has helped thousands of leaders and dozens of companies articulate their Purpose and create their Masterpiece. He has worked on all of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, is a best-selling author and has exhibited his artwork at Tesla and Google and, of course, online.

You can find Alexander and his amazing work online at his website,, on Facebookand LinkedIn – and you can catch his videos on Vimeo.