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A**holes and Angels – with Jerome Green – Act 2

I am joined once again by Jerome Green, and we continue our conversation by diving right into what makes working with challenging individuals so rewarding for Jerome. He speaks about his journey of addiction, reflecting on pivotal moments, and finding clarity through spirituality. That journey led Jerome from university work to a distinctive career, Jerome shares insights into his passion for working with “assholes” and his commitment to understanding the unique complexities of each person. We take some time to reflect on the pandemic's impact, the importance of empathy, and the pursuit of excellence over perfection. Before wrapping up our conversation, Jerome imparts insightful words of wisdom, providing a thoughtful send-off that resonates beyond the realm of personal development.

Bio by Jerome: 

I spent 24 years working in higher education, university management, leadership development, and human resources, and just as many years in the pressurized sports world running a youth sports basketball business, coaching young adults, and consulting coaches and athletes both on and off the court. 

All of my experience, education, and training have helped me build quite a collection of tools and methods to support those I work with and open their doors to discovery. 

My background translates beautifully to my business today and all aspects of my life. It helped me through what was perhaps my most difficult year, as it was for many, 2020. What I thought was once simple, I no longer take for granted. By embracing a growth mindset and gaining new personal and professional insights, I am now doing some of the best work of my career.
