What are You Thinking?!?!

As part of the branding work I’ve been doing with the good folks at Arcbound this year, we’ve made great progress with messaging, look, and feel.

I’ve been well led and shepherded – sometimes kicking and screaming – across the boundaries of my own cozy comfort zone.

Before she struck out on her own, the irrepressible Claudia Miclaus helped me navigate the tangle of my own thoughts and muddled language to extract, with crystalline clarity, what I’m about.  It wasn’t the easiest work I’ve ever done, but I was (and still am) in a season of life in which I’m determined to get my legacy work out in the world.

I’ll cut to the chase: The mission I’m on is one of creating cultures of men who experience life with a deep sense of connection, acceptance, joyous responsibility, (yes, joyous – you read that right!) and playful curiosity – for the good all and with harm to none.

The best expression – best tangible form – I’ve found for getting it done is my IAM course.

Yes, a lot of kickass goodness happens in the compressed one-to-one focus with clients in coaching relationships.  Don’t get me wrong, the coaching is fantastic stuff.  I love the folks I get to work with, and I see what a privilege it is to do that work…

Yet there’s something about witnessing a cohort of a dozen men move together through deep terrain that’s nothing short of spectacular.

And on the topic of love, here’s a lot of it baked into what I do.

It ain’t the sticky sweet, Hallmark Christmas Special kind of love.  We’re talking the real deal here – love that’s raw, messy, kind, vulnerable, in-your-face, open-hearted, generative, generous…

I’m telling you all this because if this IAM is going to do what I know it can, if it’s really going to have the kind of impact that continues to unfold across generations, the love is going to have to spread.

I’m all about that!

In the spirit of that love, I want to highlight the following, which I think I’ve clarified rather nicely on the IAM pages of my website as well as in the “Coming Down…” section of the email version of this newsletter.

Here you go:

My commitment is, first and foremost, to the men called to the work of IAM.

That sure sounds great, but what does that even mean?

For one thing, it means that if I’m serious about creating a movement of conscious, integrated, adult men – and I certainly am – I’d better walk my talk and take responsibility for getting the concepts, contexts, and tools of IAM out into the world.  Now.

That means that if a man is committed to digging in and participating fully in IAM, I’ll do whatever is necessary to meet and welcome him.

That means that if full registration is too big a single bite, we’re more than happy to create a workable payment plan.  If this is you, click here: I’m all in for an IAM Payment Plan!

That also means that yes, if your circumstances are such that a scholarship is necessary, we’d love to have you with us!  If this is you, click here: I’m all in for an IAM Scholarship Convo!

Interested, still have questions, or simply want to take the nickel-tour and discuss whether IAM is your next move?  Reach out and schedule a conversation with me.

I think reading the above might lead to some cases of knotted knickers in a few business circles.  Hell, it might even have Milton Friedman do a little twist in his grave and ask, from the great Economist Beyond, “What are you thinking?!?!”

I’m thinking that the world my great, great, great grandchildren are going to inherit is a key stakeholder I should be concerned about enough to take real action now.

I’m thinking that making this work accessible to any man willing to make a commitment of time, energy, and attention is an important thing to do.

I’m thinking that this is a good, healing thing to do.  Period.

I’m also thinking, though some might say I’ve lost my entrepreneurial mind, that I’ve tapped into something very cool that might just flow directly from my soul.

I think I just broke another icon…

And I do so love the sound they make when they shatter. Come join us in September.